Welcome to the RVPT website
To get the best out of the site take a look at each of the drop down tabs from the headings at the top of the home page.
On the Home Page you will find the blog which gives frequent updates on our activities. If you are new to the site you can click on the Blog tab and see all the blogs in date order. These will give you a feel for what we’ve been doing.
About Us gives a brief history of the Trust and there are profiles of most of the buses in our collection. The Events tab provides information on events we are organising and some of those we plan to attend as guests. Our Links page takes you to some of our friends and you can learn more about how to support us by looking at the Membership tab.
Please click contact us (opens in a new tab) or use the ‘contact’ link, above, if you have any questions or comments.
We hope you enjoy the site.
Read Our Blog
1775 refreshed
Following its external repaint last year 1775's interior has been getting some attention. The downstairs seat backs were a bit shabby but have now been recovered with new [...]
Workshop activity
Plenty going on during these dark winter months. Both National 382 and RE coach 1019 have had most of their electrical and mechanical work completed so the focus [...]
Exhibition bus
In the early 2000s we made use of our exhibition bus to support our events and sometimes make it available to help other charities. The bus was former [...]